Fostering the potential of each child with visual impairment by supporting the family along the child’s growth.
Do it with a comprehensive, integrated and personalized approach.
This is our commitment.
+ 3000
families attended
+ 45
since 1979
when it all started
The Robert Hollman Foundation
Founded in the 1970s at the behest of the Dutch entrepreneur whose name it bears, it offers consultancy and comprehensive developmental support to children with visual impairment and their families in Italy.
It is a private non-profit organisation of Dutch origin and currently looks after around 400 children from all over the country every year in its two centres. The Cannero Riviera Centre takes in children from zero to 4 years old, while the Padua Centre takes in children from zero to 14 years old.
Thanks to the contribution of multidisciplinary teams, which create customised pathways for each child and his or her family, the Foundation provides all its services free of charge: specific diagnostic and functional in-depth studies, early infant care, psycho-educational, rehabilitation and play-expressive interventions, and support for parenting.
In addition to clinical activities, the Foundation offers consultancy to operators in the area, training to university students and professionals in the sector; it carries out research on issues related to visual impairment; it collaborates with the academic and scientific world and with Italian and international research institutes.
The Foundation also promotes and implements social awareness projects on a national and European level with the aim of contributing to a culture of acceptance and inclusion.