Our staff

Our richness is the value of its people

The board of directors

Giorgio Porro (advisor) Anne Robijn van Stapele (secretary) Claire de Pont (president) Felix Lanters (treasurer)

Our professionals

  • Sede:
  • Tutti
  • Padova
  • Cannero
  • Settore:
  • Tutti
  • management
  • auxiliary staff
  • communication
  • consultants
  • Coordinator / Psychologist / Pedagogues
  • doctors
  • educators
  • orientation and mobility instructors
  • orthoptists
  • secretary
  • therapists
  • Maria Eleonora Reffo

    General Director, Psychologist

  • Elena Mercuriali

    Clinical Director, Psychologist/Psychotherapist

  • Vincenzo Zanardo

    Medical Director

  • Tiziana Battistin

    Psychologist, training and internship activities coordinator

  • Viviana Bongiorno

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Elisa Cardoni quaderno

    Elisa Cardoni

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist

  • Roberta Ceroni

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Cristiana Grigoletto

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Elisa Moroni

    Psychologist Coordinator

  • Simonetta Lazzarin

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Miriam Brizio

    Family secretary – contact person

  • Marco Bora


  • Caterina Paderni

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Debora Perelli

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Sofia Pertile

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Sonia Segnacasi

    Pedagogues – coordinator

  • Marta Sisti

    Psychologist / Psychotherapist, Coordinator

  • Katia Carissimi


  • Serena Danieli


  • Antonella Lazzaretto


  • Michela Coretta

    Administrative secretary-contact person

  • Elisa Marchesin


  • Michela Morandi


  • Maria Nerina Salmaso


  • Anna Vallo


  • Francesca Incagli

    Research Consultant

  • Viviana Baiardi

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Giulia Berto

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Fiammetta Chiaia

    Speech Therapist

  • Elisa Da Riva

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Tatiana Mario

    Communication and press office

  • Arianna Marcellan

    Relational Psychomotricity

  • Federica Peratello

    Music Therapist

  • Luisa Salmaso

    Music Therapist

  • Nicoletta Stringhetta

    Rehabilitation Therapist

  • Giovanna Tono


  • Silvia Trentin

    Physiotherapist – Visual Rehabilitation Therapist

  • Gaia Turra

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Serena Vaglio

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Rossella Penacchio

    Secretary-Contact person for the Facility

  • Alessia Zanatta

    Neuro-Psychomotor Therapist of Developmental Age

  • Chiara Ceccato


  • Roberta Guerriero


  • Liliana Panizzolo


  • Elisa Saglio Rossini


  • Sabrina Signorini

    Child neuropsychiatrist

  • Marco Vinciati


  • Iveta Cermakova


  • Agnese Suppiej

    Child neuropsychiatrist and neuro-ophthalmologist

  • Laura Tessari

    Educator – Instructor of orientation, mobility and personal autonomy

  • Enrica Polato

    Pedagogical Consultant

  • Linda Ruzzon

    Administrative secretary-contact person

  • Giuseppina De Zanche

    Secretary – Contact person for the Front Office

  • Silvia Tiso

    Secretary – Contact person for the Front Office

  • Ioan Campan


  • Galyna Medynska

    Services Office

  • Gisella Micotti

    Services Office